Students' Unions are independent organisations that represent and support students at university. We hold charity status, and whilst we rely on the University for our funding, our main purpose is to lobby the University on behalf of our members - students.

As a democratic members charity, we have the right to campaign on issues that are relevant to our students, like tuition fees, student welfare, and cost of living.

Any student can get involved in student activism or a campaign with us, and we encourage it.

Student activism has played a huge role in campaigning across the UK. Current national campaigns involving students include:

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment: Student-led campaigns like those from People & Planet have successfully pressured universities to divest from fossil fuel companies, aligning their investments with environmental sustainability.
  • Climate Action: Students have been instrumental in urging universities to declare climate emergencies and take concrete steps towards reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. Check out Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS) to view sustainable student campaigns.
  • Decolonise the Curriculum: Through their activism, Black and Asian students across the UK have been lobbying universities to take action and review their curriculum to decentre colonialist thinking and provide a fairer representation in academic discussion. The Free Black University - founded by Melz, an activist who created the campaign "Why is my curriculum so white?" - is a great example of this.
  • Sexual Violence Work: Student-led campaigns, like Not on My Campus, have contributed to the implementation of policies and support systems aimed at addressing sexual assault on campus, ensuring a safe environment for all students.

Freedom of expression, speech, and the right to assemble

One of the fundamental rights that student activists have in the UK is the freedom of expression. Students have the right to express their opinions, beliefs, and concerns without fear of censorship or retaliation. This right extends to both online and offline platforms, allowing students to engage in public debates, protests, and demonstrations.

Universities may penalise you for specific actions, but only if it goes against their Student Code of Conduct, which you agree to when enrolling at university. As a Students' Union, we welcome students to express their opinions, challenge ideas, and hold debates, but it's important to adhere to academic standards and engage in respectful dialogue with fellow students and faculty members.

As a Students' Union, we have charity status, so we are not allowed to back any political party and can only campaign on issues that impact 'students as students'. Students are allowed to do so as individuals, which is why you may see some student societies that focus on politics, such as Hallam's Labour Students Society.

Student activists also have the right to assemble peacefully. This means they can organise protests, marches, and gatherings to bring attention to their cause. It is important to engage in peaceful dialogue, respect differing opinions, and follow legal guidelines whilst advocating for change. Whilst participating in activism, students still have the right to privacy. Personal information and activities should not be monitored or disclosed without valid and legal justification.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at

Protests and vigils

Want to run a protest or vigil as part of your campaign work?

View protests and vigils guidance

Need campaign funding?

You can apply for up to £100 to help support your cause.

Apply to our Campaign Fund