16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence

From 25 November - 10 December we took part in the global annual campaign to raise awareness and encourage action to end gender-based violence.

We shone a spotlight on the serious issue of gender-based violence and empowered students to take action through a series of events, activities, and resources.

Learn more about the campaign


Over the past 3 years we've been involved with night time economy stakeholders to ensure students' needs are being listened to around anti-spiking measures.

As part of our 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence work, we opened a petition for Sheffield City Council to change local licensing policy so night time venues take more responsibility around spiking incidents. Watch this space.

Anti-spiking packs

We now stock anti-spiking packs, including bottle toppers and drink covers, which you can collect from the our HUBS Help Desk. Please note: we will ask for your student number on collection.

Consent education

Our 2023/24 Women's Rep, Dot Williams, had a policy unanimously passed through our democratic structures to make consent education mandatory at Hallam. We're currently working with several teams at the University to implement this.

We've designed a mini-module on consent and will be looking for student feedback. If you want to test the mini-module and share your thoughts with us, please get in touch at campaigns@shu.ac.uk.

The Office for Students has recently released guidance and new registration conditions on sexual harassment, and we're reviewing our current processes to align with this.


  • Sexual assault and harassment is illegal and should be reported to the police and/or Report & Support.
  • Hallam's Wellbeing Service can offer help and 1-1 support.
  • If you've been spiked, please report the incident via Report & Support (this can be done anonymously if preferred). Having this data allows us to act further on these issues.
  • Sheffield Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Service (SRASACS) offers confidential helpline support and counselling.
  • IDAS is a Yorkshire charity supporting those impacted by domestic or sexual violence. They also offer a free confidential helpline - call 0808 808 2241 (Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm | Sat: 9am-5pm | Closed on bank holidays).
  • Sheffield Domestic Abuse Coordinator Team (DACT) have lots of useful information about getting support.
  • GALOP are a national organisation providing support for LGBTQ+ people experiencing abuse or violence.

Get involved

Feeling angry about sexual violence and personal safety issues? Want to campaign about it or get involved in current work? Contact us at campaigns@shu.ac.uk.