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Sheffield Hallam University staff are uniquely well-placed to help recruit a strong team of HSU Officers and encourage students to vote.
Sheffield Hallam University staff are uniquely well-placed to help recruit a strong team of HSU Officers and encourage students to vote.


Monday 13 January, 10am

- Thursday 20 February, 4pm


Monday 10 March, 9am

- Thursday 13 March, 4pm

As staff, we ask that you help publicise the HSU Officer Election to your students and ask them to vote. Here's what you need to know...

What is an HSU Officer?

Students elect Officers who work full-time for the Students' Union to represent students to the University.

There are six roles:


International Students' Officer

Wellbeing, Sport and Physical Activity Officer

BTE Officer

HWLS Officer

SSA Officer

What do Officers do?

HSU Officers work with the University and local/national organisations to improve the student experience.

Officers have worked across loads of projects over the last year, including:

  • SU Sustainability Strategy, including setting up an awareness week, a society, and asking the University to have fossil-free career opportunities and a policy.
  • Lobbying the University to repurpose unused catering spaces.
  • Lobbying for cheaper public transport for students.
  • Improving options for placements.
  • Increasing cultural events for international students.
  • Getting flexible payment plans for international students.
  • Getting Halal food options in University catering outlets.
  • Organising Varsity.
  • Supporting the Sport Hardship Fund.
  • Gaining better software accessibility for BTE students.
  • Promoting and delivering a campaign for 16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence, including a Reclaim the Night March.

Watch the Officers in action...

Why should a student vote?

  1. Students should vote to be part of Hallam and have a voice.
  2. It's important to take part in elections and to be a voter.

How can a student vote?

When voting opens, students will receive an email from the Students' Union in their University inbox.

Students should follow the steps to vote.

Rules for staff...

To keep the Election fair, it's important that University staff are neutral during the Election. This means not favouring any candidate, or encouraging students to vote for a particular candidate.

If you have any questions, please get in touch at

Elections overview