Stay connected with us through our new WhatsApp and Instagram broadcast channels for campus news, academic updates, and exclusive deals.
After years of connecting with you on Twitter, we've decided to move away from Elon Musk's X.
Unfortunately the negatives of the platform outweigh the positives, so we will be leaving today. We feel the space no longer represents us as a Students' Union and we don't think it's promoting a healthy space for Hallam students. There has been an increase in the number of harmful conversations on X that don't align with the kind of community we want to build and, as a result, we're prioritising platforms that foster a more positive, focused, and interactive experience.
Moving forward, we'll be using WhatsApp and Instagram broadcast channels to keep you informed about campus news, academic reminders, ticket deals, and more. These platforms offer more control over content and allow us to directly reach you in a way that feels more personal and engaging.
Join our new broadcast channels
Join our WhatsApp channel
Join our Instagram broadcast channel
We will remain on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn - if you don't follow us on them already, you can find them online @hallamsu.