Following the success of last year's moss planting, this year we'll be funding the planting of actual trees! We'll donate more money for every voter. So, if you’re unsure whether to vote in this year’s HSU Officer Election – this is your sign.
Working in partnership with the University and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, we'll be planting a mix of native tree species in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, to improve biodiversity, reduce flooding, and help maintain carbon capture. As an organisation we've been thinking of ways to be more environmentally friendly - and what better way than to incentivise our students to vote by helping the planet.
For every 100 votes, we'll plant a tree...
Ready to be a voter?
Get the inside scoop on who's who, then cast your vote!
Voting closes Thursday 13 March, 4pm.
Vote now
HSU Officers are elected each year by the student body and work full-time for us, representing all students to the highest levels of the University and working to bring real change to the student experience. There are six Officers, one for each College (Business, Technology & Engineering, Health, Wellbeing & Life Sciences, and Social Sciences & Arts), an International Students' Officer, a Wellbeing, Sport & Physical Activity Officer, and a President.
HSU Election Results Night
Election Results Night will be held on Friday 8 March from 5pm. Grab your staff, student, or candidate ticket online!
Book your ticket
Not familiar with our Elections? Find out more about HSU Elections.
Need more information on this Election? Drop us an email at