The February survey has now closed.
Keep an eye out in May for another chance to share your feedback and win a prize!
By sharing your feedback on uni life, we can make improvements that will benefit you while you're still a student at Hallam.
Something on your mind in the meantime? Share your experience.
February's prize draw winners will be announced soon.
We ask you to share feedback at three different points throughout the academic year - November, February and May - so as things change throughout the year, we can react and make changes quickly based on what you're telling us.
Frequently asked questions
What will happen with my feedback?
Senior leaders across the University and the Students' Union will see the collective findings, so your feedback will directly influence change.
How many prizes are up for grabs?
Upon completion of the survey you will be entered into a national prize draw, along with other university students across the country, where you'll have the chance of winning the top prize of £300 or runner-up prizes of £100 (x1) or £50 (x2). Prize winners will be announced in June 2025. Winners will be drawn from a pot including responders from all three surveys at all institutions that have taken part.
Now, we know that's a long wait, so we'll also be randomly selecting six Hallam students to win prizes worth up to £150 each!
1st prize
£150 cash
2nd prize (x2)
£50 cash
3rd prize (x3)
£25 cash
I've completed the survey before, why do I need to do this again?
We're asking you to share feedback via this survey at three different points throughout the academic year: November, February, and May. Each survey has a different theme (whilst also including some set benchmark questions). We'd like to find out how you're feeling about your uni experience throughout the year. This enables us to hear from you directly, react to what you want and need, and make positive changes throughout the academic year which impact students whilst they're still studying with us, rather than waiting until the end of the year when some students may have graduated.
How can I feed back between surveys?
If something's on your mind and you want to air your comments or complaints, you can share something using our online platform. Your feedback with help make things better for everyone.