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  • Anime Society - Associate Membership£3.00
  • Anime Society - Standard Membership£3.00

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About us


Welcome to the Anime Society page, where we will do our best to explain what the Anime Society is all about.

The Anime Society is a group with the primary goal of bringing together fans of anime and manga, but also other media such as films and cartoons, and to enjoy/discuss them as a group. We welcome all, be you the most hardcore Otaku or have no idea what anime is and want to know where to start!

We run weekly events, which anyone is welcome to come to, even including those outside of the Uni (At the committee's discresion). For paid members of the Society we also occasionally offer external events such as going to Comic-Con Trips, Cinema Trips, meals out, and more!

Weekly Events:

Monday: On Monday, we get together for the weekly Anime Night. The event is held from 6pm until 9pm, where as a group we watch six episodes of anime, which we vote on through Facebook polls beforehand. This is usually followed by a trip to the pub afterwards for drinks and food, and to talk about what we watched.

Wednesday: On Wednesdays, we have Variety Nights on an irregular basis, normally at least once a month. What we do on Variety Nights often varies from binge nights to movie nights, and occur dependant on how many of the Society’s members wish to explore a series or franchise in more detail.

Other Events:

Cinema Trips: Luckily, the City Campus is located right next to the Showroom, a cinema which often airs anime movies, such as Your Name and A Silent Voice. If any anime movies are being shown, The Society will occasionally organize an event to go see it as a group. Similarly, we also organize trips for other films across various cinemas in Sheffield including Cineworld and The Light, if we find that people are interested.

Group Chat:

We have an offical discord server for everyone to socialise and play games. We also post announcements and news for anyone who doesn't use social media that much. Click the following invite link to join!


Committee Members

Equality and Diversity Officer




Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled for this Society

Committee Elections

No bulk society committee elections are currently running
