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  • Airsoft Society - Standard Membership£15.00
  • Airsoft Society Associate Membership£20.00

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About us



Welcome to Sheffield Hallam Student’s Union Airsoft Society!


So you've heard of paintball but don't like: the inaccuarcy of the guns, the pain and the mess. Or, maybe you don't want to be charged an arm and a leg for paintballs. Then Airsoft is the right place to be!

Airsoft guns fire round plastic pellets or "bbs" at relatively low velocities and have a far greater range and accuracy than paintball guns. While paintball guns are infamous for causing bruises, bbs hold a thirteenth of the kinetic energy meaning less pain! 

To make it more accessible, we can provide our own hire kits at a discounted price to hire kits bought from sites we visit as well as a bus to and from the site (when needed). This means all you need to bring is a packed lunch and yourself.


Airsoft games or "skirmishes" take place in a huge variety of different sites, Our local sites Skirmish Airsoft in mansfield and Tac House Spartan (The Stan) on Rutland road in Sheffield. However, we have been to plenty more sites and do go futher afield.


We try and do a society gameday every month however this may increase depending on popularity.

Contact / Join

If Airsoft sounds like something you'd be interested follow the Discord link to see what we've been up to recently or to contact comitee members. Alternatively, click on Facebook link and get in touch that way. See you on the field!

If you are after our discord server, please follow the link below-

We also have a Facebook group, where you can see previous events and photos

If you need to contact the EQD privately, please use eqd at


Committee Members

Equality and Diversity Officer

Health and Safety Officer




Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled for this Society

Committee Elections

Society Committee Elections March 2025

551 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Thursday 3 April 2025 (in 5 days and 14 hours)

The polls open at 09:00 on Monday 7 April 2025 (in 8 days)
