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Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are following a blended approach to all our events! We are organising informal events where you can meet fellow MRes/MBA/MSc/MA and PhD/DBA/EdD students and talk to likeminded students who get the postgrad experience. We are open for suggestion on types of events you would like us to put on, or smaller study group constellations that you think might be useful for yourself and others. Send us an email, tweet us on Twitter, come get involved, and help us improve the postgrad experience at SHU! :)


  • We are still running our Weekly Focus Thursdays as morning sessions! You can join us via Zoom every Thursday 9:30-11:30am to work in 30 min blocks, have quick chats inbetween and feel productive and social all at once!
    Check your emails for Zoom link!


  • Who doesn't love a Virtual Pub Quiz!?
    We regularly (usually monthly) hold virtual pub quizzes. These are BYO-beer/pizza/whatever you fancy quizzes. There is also a Prize up for grabs for each member of the winning team!
    Get your free ticket by adding Pub Quiz to your basket, and check your emails for the Zoom link!


  • Coffee Catch Ups! 
    We're bringing back our monthly coffee catch ups! This is a chance to chat, vent, and socialise! We'll update you on when these are monthly, bring along a beverage and chat with us :) 

Stay safe! and get in touch if you have any questions or just want some friendly chats!

All the best,

Sarah, Charlene, Pamela and Sarthak


The Postgraduate Research Students' Society organises monthly socials for current and prospective postgraduate students at SHU. Through a diverse range of events including walks in the Peak District, pub quiz socials, and a day trips to places such as York and Liverpool, we have established a community in which postgraduate students' can meet up with like minded people, share ideas and concerns, and enjoy some time out from academic life. We also organise the annual SHU Postgraduate Humanities Conference, which invites postgraduates from across Sheffield Hallam and other universities to present their research.




Committee Members

Equality & Diversity Officer



Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled for this Society

Committee Elections

No bulk society committee elections are currently running
