As a Course Rep you're automatically enrolled onto our Accreditation Scheme, a great way to track the work you're doing and gain recognition for it.

Through the scheme, you can achieve Bronze (50 points), Silver (70 points), or Gold (90 points) accreditation.

The system is flexible to fit around other commitments, and you can take part as much or as little as you like.

How it works

  1. Each time you complete an activity in your Course Rep role, log the action. You'll gain points for each action.

    Make sure you're logged in with your student Microsoft account when logging your actions.
  2. We'll add the points to your overall total.

    If you'd like an update on the amount of points you've collected, drop us an email at
  3. At the end of the academic year, you'll receive a certificate recognising your work and showing the level of accreditation you achieved.

Gaining points

There are a number of ways to gain points towards your accreditation level.

Example routes

Bronze (50 points)

  • Attend additional Course Rep Training session - 20 points
  • Attend and/or update Student Staff Committee Meeting - 15 points
  • Attend and/or update Department Student Forum - 15 points

Silver (70 points)

  • Attend additional Course Rep Training session - 20 points
  • Attend and/or update Student Staff Committee Meeting (x2) - 30 points
  • Attend and/or update Department Student Forum - 15 points
  • Submit a Rep of the Month nomination - 5 points

Gold (90 points)

  • Attend additional Course Rep Training session - 20 points
  • Attend and/or update Student Staff Committee Meeting (x2) - 30 points
  • Attend and/or update Department Student Forum (x2) - 30 points
  • Submit a Rep of the Month nomination - 5 points
  • Submit an entry on Union Voice - 5 points

Benefits of taking part

  1. You'll be part of an accredited programme helping to improve students' experiences - a great way to evidence your work for future employers.
  2. As an active Course Rep you're already doing the work, so all you need to do is log your activity.
  3. Your work will contribute to the Hallam Award! Bronze and Silver accreditation will gain you Bronze and Silver levels of the Hallam Award (Gold level must still be earned solely through Hallam Award activity).

Hallam Award

Each time you log an action, you'll be asked to reflect on how it impacted your development. We keep a log of these reflections, so when you're submitting your Hallam Award evidence, email us at requesting your submitted reflections and we'll send them to you ready for you to upload to your Hallam Award application. You'll also be asked to complete some extra reflections during your Hallam Award application that are specific to the Award, but your Accreditation Scheme submissions will count as the evidence towards it!

How to submit Accreditation Scheme evidence to the Hallam Award

When logging an action, there are suggested 'graduate attributes' to give you an idea of what tasks can help you reflect on different attributes from the Hallam Award. But remember, you can apply your actions to any of the graduate attributes as long as you can explain your reasoning!