Support Available

If you have a condition which you think may affect your ability to fully engage with University life, it is recommended that you seek advice as early as possible.

advice hubstudents with disability

Support available

If you have a disability, there is a lot of support available to you while you are at University. Often, students don't necessarily feel that they have what would be termed a 'disability', but this is just a general term that is used to cover a whole range of conditions that may affect someone, including physical disabilities, visual or hearing impairments, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia and AD(H)D, mental health difficulties, autism spectrum conditions, and long-term medical conditions.

If you have a condition which you think may affect your ability to fully engage with University life, we recommend you seek advice from the University as early as possible. You can register for support online, enabling the University to determine what support you may need and put this support in place before you begin your studies. If you are already part-way through your course and have not yet asked about support, it is still a good idea to do so.  Also, if you will be undertaking a work placement year as part of a 'sandwich' course, the funding and support relating to disability requirements is different for the placement year - it is a good idea to read our guide about this in plenty of time before you start your placement.

The support offered aims to ensure that students with a disability are not unfairly disadvantaged and have the same access and opportunities for success as all students and can get the most out of their University experience. Generally, it appears that students who have support in place are more likely to achieve their potential than those who do not access support.

Find out more about the University's Disabled Student Support (DSS) service.

By contacting the Disabled Student Support service, you may be able to get a learning contract, which will detail the reasonable adjustments that should be put in place by your course team (and other relevant teams, such as the Exams office). You may also be entitled to specialist 1:1 support, which the DSS service will help you to arrange. They will also advise you on applying for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) from Student Finance England, where relevant.

In addition to the support available through the Disabled Student Support service, the Skills Centre offers help with study skills to all students - but also specialist, tailored, sessions for students with a specific learning difference such as dyslexia or a disability (or by referral). They also provide tutorials on using Assistive Technology.

The University’s Wellbeing service provides specialist individual support with the transition to University for students with autism spectrum conditions or mental health difficulties, and specialist mental health practitioner support for students with a diagnosed mental health condition, as well as general wellbeing support and counselling for all students.

All students have the option to register with Student Health at SHU, the on-site GP service. If you are not sure whether it is better to stay registered at your usual address or with the Student Health at SHU service, please contact Student Health at SHU to discuss this.

We can give you advice regarding your student funding and welfare benefits. We also offer impartial and independent advice about any problems or difficulties you may experience with University services. If you have any questions after reading this information, please contact us.