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Study stress

Study stress is a normal part of student life, but it can have a negative impact on your wellbeing if it becomes unmanageable.


In small amounts, stress can be good as it helps you cope with challenging situations, such as exams, coursework deadlines, living with people you don't know, or thinking about the future.

However, if stress starts to feel unmanageable it can impact your academic performance or lead to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Practical tips for helping with study stress

Facing exams or deadlines? Falling behind on work? Feeling overwhelmed balancing study, paid work, and a social life?

There are practical steps you can take to help manage your stress. Everyone reacts to stress differently, so it's important to try different strategies to find what works best for you.

  1. Take a break

    Studying for long hours without breaks can lead to burnout. Schedule regular breaks to allow yourself to relax and recharge. Rest is just as important as study time.

  2. Try not to compare yourself to others

    Each person's journey is unique, so focus more on your progress and improvement and less on comparing yourself to your peers.

  3. Take time away from social media

    Taking time away from social media can really help during busy exam and deadline seasons. This could include setting boundaries such as turning off notifications or placing your phone on silent mode during certain hours to minimise interruption.

  4. Listen to study playlists

    Listening to study playlists can enhance focus, concentration, and productivity during study sessions. Whether you make your own or follow one on Spotify or another streaming platform, there are some great playlists to get you in the study zone. It's good to experiment with different types of music and styles to find what helps you focus best during your study sessions.

Need help with study skills?

Study guidance

The University's Skills Centre offers guidance on specific aspects of studying, including assignment planning, structure, referencing, and proofreading.

Support resources

There are also loads of apps, podcasts, skills sessions, and online courses available to help improve your approach to studying, keep on track with your workload, and develop good study habits.

Access study support resources