Research publications

Student Voice Reports

Each year, we conduct research into the student experience and include it in a Student Voice Report. The report considers feedback, both positive and negative, to give a fair and balanced view of what is working well, and what could be improved at Sheffield Hallam University.

This report is our main lobbying and advocacy tool to drive real, tangible change for students across all campuses. The report sets out clear actions, priorities, and goals which can be reached through a joint partnership with students and the University.

Student Voice Report - 2023/24

Student Voice Report - 2022/23

Student Voice Report - 2021/22

Three students looking at the camera with their arms around each other's shoulders

Student feedback updates

Every month, students get in touch to tell us about their student experience. They do this via Ask Us and Share Your Experience, the Helpdesk and Advice Centre, via Course Reps and Lead Reps, by getting in touch with Officers, and by taking part in surveys.

We collate the feedback received from students into student feedback updates. These reports are shared with Students' Union teams and across the University, ensuring senior University staff are kept up-to-date with what students are telling us.