Course Rep Training

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Course Rep Messaging

We are experiencing some technical difficulties with our Course Rep Messaging System at the moment. We are working to resolve this and it should be back up soon. Thank you for your patience! In the meantime if you wish to contact students on your course or other Reps, we suggest contacting your Course Leader who will be able to help you with this!


Course Rep Teams space

If you're a Course Rep, joining the teams space is your next step to any information you might need, alongside your entire peer community of fellow Course Reps!

Here, you can also view the Course Rep Handbook, your one-stop shop for documents and resources to help you in your Rep role - think guidance on the role, meetings, feedback collection, and much more!

Join Course Rep Teams space

Rep reward and recognition

Rep of the Month

Nominate a fellow Course Rep for the Rep of the Month Award!

Submit a Nomination for Rep of the Month

Course Rep Accreditation

Gain recognition for your work as a Course Rep through the Hallam Award!

Guidance on completing the Hallam Award

Complete the Hallam Award

Rep of the Month November/December : Will Wright

Congratulations to the winner of the November/December 2024 Rep of the Month Award, Will Wright!

Will studies BSc Hon Physics with Foundation Year and has shown outstanding enthusiasm in their role; one of their most notable ideas was to create and lead a Foundation Year study group aimed at fostering collaboration and support among students.

We asked Will why they became a Course Rep: "I became a Course Rep because I know the feeling of being looked over and underrepresented. I'm familiar with the sting of having been left out, seemingly too far behind my peers to catch up. I know that with my experience and with my passion for academia, I can make a difference and help everyone cross the finish line - regardless of how far it may seem, or how difficult the path toward it."