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Our skilled and sensitive advisers are ready to chat – online, over the phone, or face-to-face.
A male student looking up above the camera, lit up by pink lights

If you don't find answers to your particular challenge in our wealth of online resources, get in touch. Anything you say stays between you and us. No cost. And no judgement. We really have seen it all.

A student against an orange background resting their face on their palm

Browse our help and support resources first. Can't find what you need? Contact us.

Ask Us online

The best way of contacting us is via our online portal.

Ask Us

All initial enquiries will be responded to by email. However, you can request an in-person appointment or phone call. An adviser will decide if an in-person appointment would be helpful for your situation based on the information provided.

Please note that currently all in-person visits are by appointment only.

It's an emergency

If you feel like you can't cope or you don't feel safe, it's important that you speak to someone straight away.

Are you or someone else at risk of harm?

Call 999. Or go to your nearest emergency (A&E) department.

Are you in a mental health crisis?

Call the Single Point of Access on 0808 196 8281 (free from landline or mobile) or 0114 226 3636. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Do you need help but it's not an emergency?

If you're ill or hurt, call 111 or use 111 online for advice.

For emotional support or information on mental illness, call Sheffield Rethink Helpline on 0808 801 0440. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

A teacher, GP, or staff on the ground at your hall of residence may also be able to give you advice.

We hold the Advice Quality Standard (AQS), providing you with assurance that we have met certain criteria that demonstrate our commitment to professionalism, quality, and customer care.

Orange square with curved corners, with large white text reading 'aqs' and smaller black text reading 'advice quality standard'

Advice Service Agreement

Advice Withdrawal Policy

GDPR and confidentiality

Complaints procedure

Ask SU User Agreement